Source code for pyech.core

from __future__ import annotations
import tempfile
import re
import os
import fnmatch
import shutil
import multiprocessing
import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Optional, Sequence, Union, List, Iterable, Dict
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
from warnings import warn
from datetime import datetime, date

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import patoolib
from pandas_weighting import weight
from pyreadstat import metadata_container, read_sav, read_file_multiprocessing
from pyreadstat._readstat_parser import PyreadstatError

from pyech.utils import DICTIONARY_URLS, SURVEY_URLS, _convert_dict_str_to_floats
from pyech.external import get_cpi, get_nxr

[docs]class ECH(object): """Download, read and process the 2006-2020 Encuesta Continua de Hogares survey carried out by Uruguay's Instituto Nacional de Estadística. Parameters ---------- dirpath : Path where to download new surveys or read existing ones, by default ".". categorical_threshold : Number of unique values below which the variable is considered categorical, by default 50. Attributes ---------- data : pd.DataFrame Survey data, by default pd.DataFrame(). metadata : metadata_container Survey metadata, by default None. weights : Optional[str] Column in :attr:`data` used to weight cases. Generally "pesoano" for annual weighting, by default None splitter : Union[str, List[str]] Variable(s) to use for grouping in methods (:mod:`~pyech.core.ECH.summarize`, :mod:`~pyech.core.ECH.assign_ptile`), by default []. dictionary : pd.DataFrame Variable dictionary, by default pd.DataFrame(). cpi : pd.DataFrame Monthly CPI data, by default pd.DataFrame(). nxr : pd.DataFrame Monthly nominal exchange rate data, by default pd.DataFrame(). """ def __init__( self, dirpath: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None, categorical_threshold: int = 50, splitter: Optional[str] = None, ): self.dirpath = dirpath or "." self.categorical_threshold = categorical_threshold self.splitter = splitter if isinstance(splitter, Iterable) else [splitter] self._cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, data: pd.DataFrame, metadata: metadata_container, splitter: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, weights: Optional[str] = None,) -> ECH: """Build :class:`~pyech.core.ECH` from :attr:`data` and :attr:`metadata` as created by `pyreadstat.read_sav()`. Parameters ---------- data : Survey data. metadata : Survey metadata. weights : Column in :attr:`data` used to weight cases. Generally "pesoano" for annual weighting, by default None splitter : Variable(s) to use for grouping in methods (:mod:`~pyech.core.ECH.summarize`, :mod:`~pyech.core.ECH.assign_ptile`), by default []. Returns ------- :class:`~pyech.core.ECH` """ svy = cls() = data svy.metadata = metadata svy.splitter = splitter svy.weights = weights svy.get_dictionary(year=svy.year) return svy
@property def splitter(self): return self._splitter @splitter.setter def splitter(self, split): if split is None: split = [] elif not isinstance(split, Sequence) or isinstance(split, str): split = [split] self._splitter = split @property def year(self) -> int: return int([:, "anio"].iloc[0]) @property def weights(self) -> Optional[str]: return self._weights @weights.setter def weights(self, weights) -> None: if not weights: warn( "No column selected for `weights`. Be sure to set the property before using other methods." ) elif weights and weights not in warn( "Selected `weights` not available in dataset. Summarization will fail." ) self._weights = weights return
[docs] def load( self, year: int, from_repo: bool = False, weights: Optional[str] = None, splitter: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, missing: Optional[str] = r"\s+\.", missing_regex: bool = True, lower: bool = True, multiprocess: bool = False, ) -> None: """Load a ECH survey and dictionary from a specified year. First attempt to read a survey by looking for "`year`.sav" in :attr:`dirpath`. If it cannot be found, download the .rar file, extract it to a temporary directory, move the renamed .sav file to :attr:`dirpath` and then read. Optionally replace missing values with `numpy.nan`, lower all variable names and download the corresponding variable dictonary. For the 2020 survey a new column called "pesoano" is calculated according to the following formula: pesoano = pesomen / 12. The result is rounded and converted to `int`. This is because 2020 is the first survey that does not have annual weights ("pesoano"). However, they can be calculated from monthly weights ("pesomen"). Parameters ---------- year : Survey year from_repo : If True, download the survey from the Github repo as a HDFS+JSON combo. weights : Variable used for weighting cases, by default None. splitter : Variable(s) to use for grouping in methods (:mod:`~pyech.core.ECH.summarize`, :mod:`~pyech.core.ECH.assign_ptile`), by default [] missing : Missing values to replace with `numpy.nan`. Can be a regex with `missing_regex=True`, by default r"\s+\.". missing_regex : Whether to parse `missing` as regex, by default True. lower : Whether to turn variable names to lower case. This helps with analyzing surveys for several years, by default True. multiprocess : Whether to use multiprocessing to read the file. It will use all available CPUs, by default False. """ if from_repo: self._download_from_repo(str(year)) self._load_h5_json(str(year)) else: try: self._read(Path(self.dirpath, f"{year}.sav"), multiprocess=multiprocess) except PyreadstatError: print( f"{year} survey .sav file not found in {self.dirpath}. Downloading..." ), year=year) self._read(Path(self.dirpath, f"{year}.sav"), multiprocess=multiprocess) if missing is not None: =, np.nan, regex=missing_regex) if lower: self._lower_variable_names() self.metadata.column_labels_and_names = { k: f"{v} ({k})" for k, v in self.metadata.column_names_to_labels.items() } if year == 2020:["pesoano"] = (["pesomen"] / 12).round().astype(int) self.get_dictionary(year=year) self.weights = weights self.splitter = splitter return
def _read(self, path: Union[Path, str], multiprocess: bool = False): if not multiprocess:, self.metadata = read_sav(path) else:, self.metadata = read_file_multiprocessing(read_sav, path, num_processes=self._cpus) return def _lower_variable_names(self) -> None: = self.metadata.column_names = [x.lower() for x in self.metadata.column_names] for attr in [ "variable_value_labels", "column_names_to_labels", "variable_to_label", "original_variable_types", "readstat_variable_types", "variable_alignment", "variable_storage_width", "variable_display_width", "variable_measure", ]: setattr( self.metadata, attr, {k.lower(): v for k, v in getattr(self.metadata, attr).items()}, ) return
[docs] @staticmethod def download(dirpath: Union[Path, str], year: int) -> None: """Download a ECH survey, unpack the .rar, extract the .sav, rename as "`year`.sav" and place in :attr:`dirpath`. Parameters ---------- dirpath : Download location. year : Survey year. """ full_path = Path(dirpath, f"{year}.sav") if full_path.exists(): warn(f"{year} survey already exists in {dirpath}") return if not full_path.parent.exists(): Path(dirpath).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) url = SURVEY_URLS[year] temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".rar", delete=False).name with open(temp_file, "wb") as f: urlretrieve(url, dl_dir = Path(dirpath, "dl") # TODO: Use a temp dir here. Don't forget to check whether Colab can handle it. dl_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) patoolib.extract_archive(temp_file, outdir=dl_dir, verbosity=-1) sav_paths = [] # Apparently Path.glob doesn't have the same behavior in Unix and Windows, which makes it unreliable: reg_expr = re.compile(fnmatch.translate("*.sav"), re.IGNORECASE) for root, _, files in os.walk(dl_dir, topdown=True): sav_paths += [Path(root, j) for j in files if re.match(reg_expr, j)] sav_sizes = {sav_path.stat().st_size: sav_path for sav_path in sav_paths} sav_sizes = dict(sorted(sav_sizes.items(), reverse=True)) survey = [x for x in sav_sizes.values()][0] survey.rename(Path(dirpath, f"{year}.sav")) shutil.rmtree(dl_dir) return
def _load_h5_json(self, base_filename: str) -> None: """Load data and metadata from HDFS and JSON respectively. Parameters ---------- base_filename : Filename (without extension) used in :mod:``. Returns ------- None """ data_path = Path(self.dirpath, f"{base_filename}.h5") metadata_path = Path(self.dirpath, f"{base_filename}.json") data = pd.read_hdf(data_path) with open(metadata_path, "r") as f: metadata = json.load(f) metadata = _convert_dict_str_to_floats(metadata) = data self.metadata = metadata_container() for k, v in metadata.items(): setattr(self.metadata, k, v) return def _download_from_repo(self, base_filename: str) -> None: """Download survey data from Github repository. Parameters ---------- base_filename : Filename (without extension) used in :mod:``. """ data_file = f"{base_filename}.h5" metadata_file = f"{base_filename}.json" data_path = Path(self.dirpath, data_file) metadata_path = Path(self.dirpath, metadata_file) data_url = f"{data_file}" metadata_url = f"{metadata_file}" if not data_path.exists(): with open(data_path, "wb") as f: urlretrieve(data_url, if not metadata_path.exists(): with open(metadata_path, "w") as f: urlretrieve(metadata_url, return
[docs] def get_dictionary(self, year: int) -> None: """Download and process variable dictionary for a specified year. Parameters ---------- year : Survey year. """ url = DICTIONARY_URLS[year] excel = pd.ExcelFile(url) sheets = [] for sheet in excel.sheet_names: sheet_data = pd.read_excel(excel, sheet_name=sheet, skiprows=7, usecols="A:D") if sheet_data.empty: continue sheet_data.columns = ["Nombre", "Variable", "Código", "Descripción"] sheet_data.dropna(thresh=2, inplace=True) sheet_data[["Nombre", "Variable"]] = sheet_data[ ["Nombre", "Variable"] ].fillna(method="ffill") sheet_data["Variable"] = sheet_data["Variable"].str.lower() sheet_data.insert(0, "Nivel", sheet) sheets.append(sheet_data) concat = pd.concat(sheets) concat.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) self.dictionary = concat return
[docs] def search_dictionary( self, term: str, ignore_case: bool = True, regex: bool = True ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return rows in :attr:`dictionary` with matching terms. Parameters ---------- term : Search term. ignore_case : Whether to search for upper and lower case. Requires `regex=True`, by default True. regex : Whether to parse `term` as regex, by default True. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame DataFrame containing matching rows. """ matches = [] if ignore_case: flags = re.IGNORECASE if not regex: warn("`ignore_case=True` requires `regex=True`.") else: flags = 0 for col in self.dictionary.columns: match = self.dictionary.loc[ self.dictionary[col].str.contains( term, flags=flags, na=False, regex=regex ) ] matches.append(match) matches = pd.concat(matches).sort_index() matches = matches.drop_duplicates(keep="first") return matches
[docs] def summarize( self, variable: str, by: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, is_categorical: Optional[bool] = None, aggfunc: Union[str, Callable] = "mean", household_level: bool = False, prequery: Optional[str] = None, variable_labels: bool = False, value_labels: bool = True, dropna: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Summarize a variable in :attr:`data`. Parameters ---------- variable : Variable to summarize. by : Summarize by these groups, as well as those in :attr:`splitter`, by default None. is_categorical : Whether `value` should be treated as categorical. If None, compare with :attr:`categorical_threshold`, by default None. aggfunc : Aggregating function. Possible values are "mean", "sum", "count", or any function that works with pd.DataFrame.apply. If `values` is categorical will force `aggfunc="count"`, by default "mean". prequery : Pass a string representing a boolean expression to query the survey before summarizing. For example, 'e27 >= 18' would filter out observations where the "e27" variable (age) is lower than 18, and then carry on with summarization. Leverages `pandas' query <>`_. household_level : If True, summarize at the household level (i.e. consider only :attr:`data` ["nper"] == 1), by default False. variable_labels : Whether to use variable labels from :attr:`metadata`, by default True. value_labels : Whether to use value labels from :attr:`metadata`, by default True. dropna : Whether to drop groups with no observations, by default False. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Summarized variable. Raises ------ AttributeError If :attr:`weights` is not defined. """ if not self.weights: raise AttributeError("Summarization requires that `weights` is defined.") data = if prequery: data = data.query(prequery) if household_level: data = data.loc[data["nper"] == 1] if by is None: by_array = [] elif not isinstance(by, Sequence) or isinstance(by, str): by_array = [by] else: by_array = by all_groups = self.splitter + by_array groups = True if len(all_groups) > 0 else False if is_categorical is None: categorical = self._guess_categorical(variable) else: categorical = is_categorical if categorical: if aggfunc != "count": warn(f"'{variable}' is categorical. Summarizing by count.") output = ( data.groupby(all_groups + [variable], dropna=dropna)[self.weights] .sum() .reset_index() ) output.rename({self.weights: "Recuento"}, axis=1, inplace=True) else: if aggfunc == "mean": if groups: output = data.groupby(all_groups, dropna=dropna).apply( lambda x: np.average(x[variable], weights=x[self.weights]) ) else: output = [np.average(data[variable], weights=data[self.weights])] output = pd.DataFrame(output) output.columns = [variable] if groups: output.reset_index(inplace=True) elif aggfunc in ["sum", sum, "count"]: data["wtd_val"] = data[variable] * data[self.weights] if groups: output = ( data.groupby(all_groups, dropna=dropna)[ ["wtd_val", self.weights] ] .sum() .reset_index() ) else: output = data[["wtd_val", self.weights]].sum().to_frame().T if aggfunc == "sum" or aggfunc == sum: output["results"] = output["wtd_val"] output.drop(["wtd_val", self.weights], axis=1, inplace=True) output.rename({"results": variable}, axis=1, inplace=True) elif aggfunc == "count": output["results"] = output[self.weights] output.drop(["wtd_val", self.weights], axis=1, inplace=True) output.rename({"results": variable}, axis=1, inplace=True) else: pd.DataFrame.weight = weight pd.Series.weight = weight if groups: weighted = data[[variable] + all_groups].weight(data[self.weights]) output = ( weighted.groupby(self.splitter + by_array, dropna=False) .agg(aggfunc) .reset_index() ) else: weighted = data[[variable]].weight(data[self.weights]) output = weighted.apply(aggfunc).to_frame().T if value_labels: replace_names = { group: self.metadata.variable_value_labels[group] for group in all_groups if group in self.metadata.variable_value_labels } if categorical and variable in self.metadata.variable_value_labels: replace_names.update( {variable: self.metadata.variable_value_labels[variable]} ) output.replace(replace_names, inplace=True) if variable_labels: output.rename(self.metadata.column_labels_and_names, axis=1, inplace=True) return output
def _guess_categorical(self, variable): if[variable] in ["object", "category"]: return True if ([variable].dtype.kind in "iuf" and[variable].nunique() <= self.categorical_threshold ): return True else: return False
[docs] def assign_ptile( self, variable: str, n: int, labels: Union[bool, Sequence[str]] = False, by: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, result_weighted: bool = False, name: Optional[str] = None, household_level: bool = False, ) -> Optional[pd.DataFrame]: """Calculate n-tiles for a variable. By default add as new column to :attr:`data`. Parameters ---------- variable : Reference variable. n : Number of bins to calculate. labels : Passed to `pandas.qcut`. If False, use `int` labels for the resulting bins. If True, name bins by their edges. Otherwise pass a sequence of length equal to `n`, by default False. by : Calculate bins for each of the groups, as well as those in :attr:`splitter`, by default None. result_weighted : If True, return a pd.DataFrame with the weighted result. Else, add as a column to :attr:`data`, by default False name : Name for the new column. If None, set as "`variable`_`n`", by default None: household_level : If True, calculate at the household level (i.e. consider only :attr:`data` ["nper"] == 1), by default False. Returns ------- Optional[pd.DataFrame] Raises ------ AttributeError If :attr:`weights` is not defined. """ if not self.weights: raise AttributeError( "Assigning percentiles requires that `weights` is defined." ) pd.DataFrame.weight = weight pd.Series.weight = weight if household_level: data =[["nper"] == 1] else: data = if by is None: by_array = [] elif not isinstance(by, Sequence) or isinstance(by, str): by_array = [by] else: by_array = by all_groups = self.splitter + by_array groups = True if len(all_groups) > 0 else False valid = [v for v in [variable] + all_groups if v] weighted = data[valid].weight(data[self.weights]) if groups: output = weighted.groupby(all_groups)[variable].transform( func=pd.qcut, q=n, labels=labels ) else: output = pd.qcut(weighted[variable], q=n, labels=labels) if result_weighted: return output else: if not name: name = f"{variable}_{n}" if not household_level:[name] = output.loc[~output.index.duplicated(keep="first")] else:[["nper"] == 1, name] = output.loc[ ~output.index.duplicated(keep="first") ] return
[docs] def convert_real( self, variables: Union[str, List[str]], start: Optional[Union[str, datetime, date]] = None, end: Optional[Union[str, datetime, date]] = None, ) -> None: """Convert selected monetary variables to real terms. Parameters ---------- variables : Column(s) in :attr:`data`. Can be a string or a sequence of strings for multiple columns. start, end : Set prices to either of these dates or the mean between them, by default None. """ try: self.cpi except: self.cpi = get_cpi() if start and not end: ref = self.cpi.iloc[self.cpi.index.get_loc(start, method="nearest")] elif not start and end: ref = self.cpi.iloc[self.cpi.index.get_loc(end, method="nearest")] elif start and end: ref = self.cpi.loc[start:end].mean() else: ref = 1 if isinstance(ref, pd.Series): ref = ref.squeeze() survey_cpi = self.cpi.loc[ ( (self.cpi.index.year == int([0])) & (self.cpi.index.month != 12) ) | ( (self.cpi.index.year == int([0]) - 1) & (self.cpi.index.month == 12) ), :, ] survey_cpi.loc[:, "mes"] = survey_cpi.index.month if isinstance(variables, str): variables = [variables] output =[:, ["mes"] + variables] output["mes"] = np.where(output["mes"] - 1 == 0, 12, output["mes"] - 1) output = output.merge(survey_cpi, on="mes", how="left") output = output[variables].div(output["Índice de Precios al Consumidor"], axis=0) * ref[[f"{x}_real" for x in variables]] = output.astype("float") return
[docs] def convert_usd(self, variables: Union[str, List[str]]) -> None: """Convert selected monetary variables to USD. Parameters ---------- variables : Column(s) in :attr:`data`. Can be a string or a sequence of strings for multiple columns. """ try: self.nxr except AttributeError: self.nxr = get_nxr() survey_nxr = self.nxr.loc[ ( (self.nxr.index.year == int([0])) & (self.nxr.index.month != 12) ) | ( (self.nxr.index.year == int([0]) - 1) & (self.nxr.index.month == 12) ), :, ] survey_nxr.loc[:, "mes"] = survey_nxr.index.month if isinstance(variables, str): variables = [variables] output =[:, ["mes"] + variables] output["mes"] = np.where(output["mes"] - 1 == 0, 12, output["mes"] - 1) output = output.merge(survey_nxr, on="mes", how="left") output = output[variables].div(output["Promedio, venta"], axis=0)[[f"{x}_usd" for x in variables]] = output.astype("float") return
[docs] def apply_weights(self, variables: Union[str, List[str]]) -> pd.DataFrame: """Repeat rows as many times as defined in :attr:`weights`. Parameters ---------- variables : Columns for which weights should be applied. In general it is a good idea to avoid applying weights to all columns since this can result in a large DataFrame. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Raises ------ AttributeError If :attr:`weights` is not defined. """ pd.DataFrame.weight = weight if not isinstance(variables, Sequence) or isinstance(variables, str): variables = [variables] return[variables].weight([self.weights])
[docs] def save(self, base_filename: str, key: str = "df", complevel: Optional[int] = 9, complib: Optional[str] = "blosc", **kwargs): data_path = Path(self.dirpath, f"{base_filename}.h5") metadata_path = Path(self.dirpath, f"{base_filename}.json") with open(metadata_path, "w") as f: json.dump(self.metadata.__dict__, f), key=key, complevel=complevel, complib=complib, **kwargs) return